• وبلاگ : اخبار پارسي بلاگ
  • يادداشت : تغيير در بخش ورود به مديريت وبلاگ
  • نظرات : 60 خصوصي ، 92 عمومي

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    حداکثر 2000 حرف
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    Thank you very much for this document, it helped me a lot! I will apply it to the Quick Draw website

    + linhersr 
    Quick Draw is accessible on multiple platforms, including web browsers, smartphones, and tablets, making it easy for anyone to play. It can be played individually or in a group, adding a competitive element to the game as players try to outdo each other"s drawing skills.

    + Emma Brown 
    This blog is truly a great source of inspiration for me. I often look back at old articles and always find something to learn Suika game and apply to my life.
    + suzume 
    I"m looking for someone to battle Pokémon with pokedoku. Are you up for a challenge?
    + Alexia Amber 
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    Interesting articles keep posting more!
    + Florence Pugh 
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    + Billie Jollie 
    The word search game Word Wipe has a unique twist. Letters can be used in any direction and from any direction. The letters vanish from the grid once you put them together to form a word. The location of the letters above is dropped, resulting in a wide variety of unusual letter combinations!
    + Haibara Eilish 
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    سلام. آيا تمام صفحه شدن وبلاگ از سرعت لود آن نمي کاهد ؟

    سلام. تمام صفحه شدن تاثيري در سرعت لود وبلاگ ندارد


    من ميخواهم اسم وبلاگم را عوض كنم .بايد چه كار كنم.


    اگه منظورتون آدرس وبلاگتونه بايد بگم متاسفانه اين امكان به صورت اتوماتيك وجود نداره
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